Friday, September 2, 2011

Frank Aloe Vera

So tonight David and I went to Walmart to get a few things and on our way out I fell in love with a little Aloe Vera Plant... I named him Frank.... but he didn't have a nice pot.. so I had to search for one.

I found a cute little tan/ cream pot and it matched my bamboo plants pot and I knew it would be a great match!

And I needed potting soil...

once again we went tohrough the check out and I felt like I was bring home a new friend.

Now Frank is the newest addition to David and my family..plant family that is.   He sits next to Betty...the bamboo plant and they are the best kids ever! haha

Look at how cute they look with my little newly web spiders.  It was a great success!

 Here is a blog post on 40 amazing uses for the Aloe plant
and an article on uses & how to care for your aloe plant 

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