I was attempting to do the February Photo Challenge to take one picture each day.... I WAS Doing so good but then I just didn't do the last 2 days!! WHO DOES THAT? I am going to blame it on the fact that the picture we were supposed to capture on 28 (money) was the picture I was most excited to take. I had been waiting and looking forward to it ... well the 28th came and I went to go take a picture of all the foreign currency I had been collecting from my various trips to Brazil and Ethiopia..... AND IT WAS MISSING!!! AHH i was so upset that I just didn't take the picture at all... thus I didn't complete the challenge.... Now I am pretty sure the money isn't gone... it probably just got moved out of place when we moved upstairs... But here are the 27 pictures I did take :D we will never know what the last 2 would have been.
Since we have moved...
We have painted the kitchen and it looks way better! I chose "sunken pool" for the top half and "seal gray" for the bottom! I love painting and making things look WAY better! I still need to do some touch ups but I haven't had the time or energy to make that happen. I did, however, buy some fabric to make cute retro kitchen curtains! Now if I only had a place to set up my sewing machine....and then learn how to thread it. BABY STEPS People!
I have also become semi-obcessed with plants and gardening! I don't know when it happend excatly but I so LOVE watching things grow. I feel like having house plants warms up the home and makes it feel like there is life! So I bought a tropicalish tree at home depot when I was looking at paint a few weeks back! I'm not exactly what type of tree it is because my mom threw her tag away when we were planting her... yeah its a her and WE named her Pippy Long Leaf! hehe... She is super cute and green.... and looks magnificant next to our BIG window and entertainment center! if you look up at day 25 of february you will see a picture of her.
I have also turned our "dining room" into a gardening room haha. We don't have a table for our dining room so I put a wire shelf next to the window in there and have started seeds for our vegetable garden...(that is if we can still use the back yard).
~side story: the way the agreement is in the house that we rent is that the bacement apartment has the use of the back yard and the upstairs uses the front... but when we moved upstairs we offered to do all lawn care for less rent and the took it... So I am thinking that since we are the lawn care providers we will be able to still put the garden in the back like we were planning last year. However we have to ask Doug.. (the new guy downstairs) if he cares... but I really don't think he will because he works like 10-12 shifts all week!! SO BRING ON SPRING
these are the cucumbers.... arn't they cute :D |
I planted 4 different kinds of tomatoes, zucchini, gourds, cucumbers, green beans, broccoli, and herbs.... and it has to be one of my favorite things to watch them grow! When the seedlings come up you are supposed to thin them out by pulling out all of the weak plants and allowing only the strong ones to keep growing.... AND this is the hardest thing for me to do! I feel like a murderer... plant killer..plant killer... plant killer!! And i couldn't go through with it..
SO I decided I would separate each on and plant them in their own spot and then give them away to my friends who want to try their hand at gardening! One of the Best things I have found on Pinterest is using old news papers to make your own!!! SO AEWSOME... when I was growing up my paretns and I would always start seeds and then when we had to transplant them we would go out and by peat pots.... but that gets expensive so this is like the best idea ever!!!! So my mom and I did that last week and my plants are going to be so happy to be moved into them and have a little more room to stretch their roots! If you want to check a tutorial on how to make your own go here! I used a soda can instead of a soup can but it works the same :D... haha then I post a picture of the ones my mom was doing with a soup can haha !!
Well I hope that you all are having a wonderful March... and I hope to be posting some more book recomendations soon. Blessings on your weekend :D
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